Sunday, May 1, 2011

A pretty good excuse...

My new sister's paint my hands and feet in Mendi for the wedding. The darker it goes the more i love my husband.

Arriving at the temple. The bride arrives first and waits for her groom.

Mero Budda finally arrives - late as usual.

My sisters were told they had to steal Mero Budda's shoes and ask for money if he wanted them returned. 500NR not bad for a pair of shoes.

Party time. Big Thanks to the Zorba Restaurant. The food was great.

I have been missing in action for over a week but i think i had a pretty good excuse. I have more photos and some thoughts coming soon. Six days after the wedding and i have so much work and a visa to organise!


  1. best wishes to the newly wed.

  2. Congratulations!! The pics are beautiful :)

  3. Best wishes again! The pictures of your sisters with your husband's shoes is so funny :-)
